Thursday, January 12, 2012

follow me.

Real Solutions.

With the new year comes the infamous "Resolutions". My personal experience with resolutions has never been very successful. I've tried to start the new year off by eating healthier, being more productive and so many other resolutions that I can't remember off the tip of my tongue. But my point is I always end up forgetting about what I set ou to do.

So for 2012 I created my "Real Solutions" for this year. It sounds cheesy! I tend to be that way sometimes. :) 

1. Be more productive (and write things down so I don't forget)
2. Be more health conscious (workout and choose healthier alternatives)
3. Be creative ( join a class and learn something new)

Not a bad start, I think this is a more likely goal that I will reach. Fingers crossed!

See ya next year!!!

as always,